In fine, the truffle is the very diamond of gastronomy. 芳香的黑松露,軟熟的野菌,加上肉汁豐盈的180g安格斯漢堡扒,最完美的配搭,等待着最完美的你品嚐。 Our Mega Truffle, Mushroom & Angus Beef (180g) Cheeseburger has been launched, come and buy!
5月18日起供應 Available from 18th May 套餐價: $148 黑松露野菌安格斯大漢堡+ 1款小食 + 1款飲品 Burger Set: $148 Mega Truffle, Mushroom & Angus Beef (180g) Cheeseburger +1 kind of snack + 1 soft drink 單點價:$128 A la Carte: $128